Tous les droits concernant les photos et images présentées
ici sont réservés, toutes les reproductions ou partielles ou intégrales, ainsi que
les distributions sont strictement interdites sans l'accord des auteurs. PALLADINI ROBERTO I was born in Gorizia in 1956 ad I have been living in the province of Varese for a long time. I started my first shots in 1990 thanks to a friend of mine with his ability and experience got me involved the Varese Photoclub. A real interest in photography grew with the friendship of the other members who stimulated a free exchange of ideas.
After the dissolution of the Varese Photoclub I left the world of associations but I am still fond of photography because of some good results in competitions and some successful exhibitions.
After a summer experience in motor racing where I used the panning technique, I now try not to take photos of what everyone can see but to emphasize rather abstract shapes and images, details which you can feel or see now but which quickly fade away (like the photos taken in Milan). I also use my imagination to create photo compositions by and. I used an infrared slide for the pictures of S.Monte in Varese. Recently, I have discovered digital elaboration.
Thanks for visiting my website.
Retrouver Palladini Roberto sur son site pour encore plus d'images : http://www.robertopalladini.it Cliquez sur les photos pour les agrandir ! 1 - 2 - Suivante 1 - 2 - Suivante |
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